Thursday, September 18, 2008

Politics really blow.

Being finished with school is way over-rated. Let me tell you. Although I might be biased because I still don’t have a steady job yet, and my best friend Rachel just left for England for an entire freaking year. Yeah, I know. RUDE! Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating just a little, but I don’t think so. She gave me this cell phone charm of a stuffed cow that I’ve been lusting after for a while. It’s frigging adorable. I love it. Problem though, is that every time I access my phone, which if you know me, you know is a whole heck of a lot, I end up thinking of her. Ironic. But, she’s my dim-sum and sushi buddy, and she’s gone! Now how am I going to get my sushi and dim sum fix? Honestly... How unthoughtful of her to put her future before me. Mostly joking.

Other odd news lately. Two of my friends finally came out, and well we’re all Mormon (Sort of), so they made a bit of a stir. Oddly, I’m completely un-phased. My mother was mortified, which just made me laugh. My father, he didn’t really care, although it spurned on a bunch of names for gay men. I prefer to call say that they diddle in the hershey sauce. I know, completely uncalled for. Oh well. My Tolo date in high school was gay. He’s gorgeous though, still to this day. I remember asking him by writing a poem about him in class, since we shared AP Bio at the time. The first lines were “There was once a guy in my biology class, and my god did he have a nice ass”. I loved the poem and wish I could remember it, but it was very humorous.

I’m very much a moderate, politically, and I was disappointed in Obama’s choice for vice presidential candidate. Well, that was until McCain’s choice. Honestly. I wish politicians would quit pandering to people who don’t even like them, and just pick people that would be good for the spot. I mean, Palin would be great, fresh, idealistic, if we lived in the right society, but, we don’t. Period. We live in a society where people choose to vote for all the wrong reasons, and people are just politically uneducated. I’m a political science major if you didn’t know. And the majority of the people that vote can’t even tell you what the candidates stand for, at all. That’s just sad. Our system is corrupt, and people are dumb. Sad, but honestly the lack of political knowledge, or participation makes me sad. Also, I wish people understood the theories behind things, and paid attention to history.

Russia for example, and the ensuing conflicts with various countries and the US. Obama says he wants to talk it out, and not get involved or resort to violence. Admirable, and I wish that was the way things worked. We tried that with most wars, and then we get things like pearl harbor, etc. The point is, talking and economic sanctions don’t work for real, military threats. However, McCain doesn’t know how to play the thin line between preemptively responding, and addressing threats that can be talked down and put in their places through economic sanctions and pressure from the international scene. There’s no balance. We have two candidates that are way over on one side or the other, and so fixed in their ways that they cannot imagine alternatives. Politics are sad, and they affect everyone, yet no one is smart enough to participate intelligently.

Enough political ranting. No one likes politics anyhow, and those that do are senile. Case in point: Me. I’ve been listening to some great bands lately, but one in particular I’ve loved. Guster. Odd name, and yet I think it’s perfect for them. Anyhow, I love this band, It’s good music to relax to, or drive with. They play a song called Satellite that’s in the movie Martian Child, and I was listening to it, and reminded me how much I love this band. Speaking of that movie though, I loved it also. Martian Child has John Cusack, and it’s about him adopting a boy that thinks he’s a martian. Weird, but very sweet, and I usually don’t even like sweet movies. Joan Cusack is in the movie too, and it made me realize that, she is like a parasite. She just attaches herself to her brothers career and floats along. Really. That’s pathetic, but hey, the family that shares together, Apparently stays rich... Lucky stiffs.