Thursday, April 24, 2008

Crazy exes, and Crazy Girlfriends.

So one of my exes that wanted to marry me has started talking to me when he sees I’m awake late at night, and I have to say, it’s pretty weird. Right? Eff it. I hate the kid. I am so frustrated right now.. I don’t even know how to explain it. I STILL have this stupid headache. My boy... I mean guy, although... yeah nevermind... He’s making me all frustrated and confused. Meh... Is this how all chicks are? I mean... My sex is freaking crazy. So, I know I never out my name in here, but it’s a boy’s name, and I’m a girl.

Today, I was thinking that maybe that’s the reason I am so effed up. I’m a he-she. Not really, I am quite a girl as is witnessed by the psychotic nature of my last blogs. Yeah, which leads me to wonder how guys ever put up with you. I have a friend that puts up with this girl he’s dating, and it’s beyond me how it’s possible. She doesn’t like his friend, and so she had his car towed. Which, I don’t know about you but seems pretty witch like right? I mean, that’s evil. Then, she tossed another one of his friends keys into the alley way from their third story window, when the guy was running late for work, because he wasn’t being “nice” to her. By nice, he wasn’t sufficiently kissing her ass. Sad right? So.. The point of this ranting? Well the other day something happened to level the score. So this Bitch has a little dog, you know, Paris Hilton, I’m a whore that needs a dog to love so that I feel important, type of dog, and well this dog is like her life. That dog, ranks over my friend, you know her boyfriend? Yeah, so my other friends have been complaining about how much they hate this girl, but he won’t leave her, and won’t get on her case for the evil crap she pulls. So a couple of the guys got fed up with it, and while she was in the shower, left a door open, and the dog got out. She was FUMING. Beyond that, she finally got the dog back... but he was... different shall we say. My friends shaved it, then wrote in permanent pen all over the dog different some really awful words... Yeah, for some reason the picture I got of a shaved little dog covered in the F-word in big black ink, was HILARIOUS. She was so mad.

Wouldn’t you dump the chick though? If everyone you know tells you the same thing, either, you’re really wrong or you need new friends. Right? Yes, that’s a yes for those of you that were deciding on that one.

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