Thursday, April 24, 2008

Diet Coke is my Savior.

I think that maybe they still put crack in Diet Coke. I mean, I drink so much of this stuff. It’s honestly amazing. It’s the end all of cures. It can cure my headaches, heal my broken heart (I’m assuming, no guy has ever managed to break my heart, and no I’m not a lesbian), perk up the day, solve monday morning blahs, or tuesday, or wednesday, or... yeah, pretty much it just solves everything. I bet if you served Diet Coke at peace talks in the middle east, it’d solve all the violence. Bin Laden, yeah, should’ve given him a sip, he’d have helped us find those weapons of mass destruction... at the Pepsi factory. Okay, not really, I like Diet Pepsi... sometimes....when there’s no Diet Coke available.

As a kid, all I drank was Wild Cherry Pepsi. Every morning my mom gave me 2 dollars for lunch, and around 730 after I got off the bus, I’d buy one and sip on it until lunch, at which time, I’d buy another one with my other dollar and then sip on that one until school got out. Is it any wonder I was a fat kid. The pop never filled me up, and I’d get home and make an after school snack that could solve world hunger. I mean I’d just eat everything I could find, including small animals and siblings. It was sick.

My boyfriend went to Japan a couple weeks ago, and he said the whole time, he only found one place that served Diet Coke. We pretty much decided I’d hate Japan because they couldn’t supply me with adequate Diet Coke quantities. Also, he emailed me and was like “Who’s leg do I have to hump around here to get a refill?”. That clinched it. My favorite places to get dinner, have nothing to do with their food, but everything to do with the unlimited refills. :D. Yeah, that’s an emoticon, just to prove how much I love Diet Coke.

At one of the Red Robin’s around here, I have formed a relationship with one of the servers, because he always remembers me and the large amounts of Diet Coke I drink. The first time he met me, I drank 21 glasses of Diet Coke, and I think it scared him. Then, the next time, he learned his lesson, and just got me a pitcher of Diet Coke, and a straw, I still drank two pitchers. My “record” is three pitchers, and my usual is just over two. Yeah, I’m a freak. I’ll admit it. My friends have decided that I must have a Diet Coke Blood Content. I might actually. Another consequence of drinking so much Diet Coke... Where does it all go? Yeah, that’s right, I piss all the time. I mean, ALL the FRIGGING time. It’s true. I laugh when I’m at my boyfriends house after I’ve downed so much Diet Coke, because his roommates must think I have an over active bladder. They look at me weird everytime I go to the loo. It’s so funny.

Road trips... Yeah, they forbid my Diet Coke consumption because if not we have to stop every half hour for me to take a whizz. Ha ha. Yeah, I’m laughing, and drinking Diet Coke at this very moment, but this one’s almost out, so I better go find another vending machine before I run out. Late.

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